The mission and vision
The vision of the Faculty of Law of Udayana University is an elaboration of the vision of Udayana University, namely "The realization of the Faculty of Law of Udayana University as a Higher Education Institution that Produces Human Resources Who Have Competitive Advantage in the Field of Legal Science and Expertise, Independent, Cultured and Faithful to God Almighty, and Role in the Context of Development”.
Organizing good governance in the field of Higher Education Tri Dharma.
Organizing quality education based on the KKNI-based curriculum.
Develop learning substance through various scientific activities supported by technological innovation.
Develop a learning system using the Student Center Learning.
Organizing and improving legal research involving the entire academic community based on science and technology and local wisdom.
Organizing and strengthening the publication of national and international journals for the academic community.
Organizing and improving community service involving the entire academic community based on science and technology and local wisdom.
Increase cooperation locally, nationally and internationally in the field of Tri Dharma of Higher Education