History of Faculty of Law, Udayana University
The realization of the results of the meeting of the Presidium of Udayana University with the Deans, the Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge was established in the Decree of the Presidium of Udayana University Number 933/Sek/X/UNUD/1964 (Appendix 1) dated July 24, 1964, with the following personnel composition:
1. Purwanto Sastroatmodjo, SH; Vice Chairman III of the Presidium of Udayana University, as chairman and concurrent member;
2. Drs. I Wayan Rendha; Secretary of Udayana University as secretary and concurrent member.
3. Adrinudin Salim, SH; Attorney at the Denpasar District Attorney's Office, as a member;
4. Th.K. Suraputra, SH; Judge at Denpasar District Court as a member;
5. Suwondo, SH; Prosecutor of the Army of Kodam XVI Udayana in Denpasar as a member.
The committee has the task of preparing everything related to the opening of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge of Udayana University starting in the 1964/1965 academic year.
The Presidium of Udayana University in realizing the establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge on August 26, 1964 applied for approval to the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) in Jakarta to be able to issue a Decree on the Establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge of Udayana University Denpasar, through Letter Number 939/PS/X/UNUD/64.
In the letter of request, two things were stated as the basis / reason for the establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge, namely:
- Udayana University which originally consisted of four faculties (Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry and Teacher Training and Education), since July 23, 1964 only has three faculties (Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry) because the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education since that date was weighed from Udayana University to the Malang Institute of Teacher Training and Education;
- The decision of the meeting of the Presidium of Udayana University with the Deans of Udayana University dated July 7, 1964 concerning the Establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge.
Based on the request of the Presidium of Udayana University, the Minister of PTIP issued Decree Number 98 of 1964 dated August 26, 1964 concerning the Establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge of Udayana University in Denpasar (Appendix 2). The decree stipulates that “As of September 1, 1964, the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge of Udayana University is established in Denpasar with a note that temporarily until 1965 the cost of its implementation is outside the responsibility of the Department of Higher Education and Science”.
With the Decree above, the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge of Udayana University, on the 3rd Anniversary of Udayana University on September 29, 1964, was inaugurated by Brig. Jen.Prof.Dr. Sumantri Hardjoprakoso, Assistant Minister and on behalf of the Minister of Higher Education and Science. In his speech he stated among others: “......... finally on this occasion on September 29, 1964 on behalf of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Science I inaugurated the opening of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge which immediately became the State Faculty of Law under Udayana University”.