Closing of Independent Campus Internship at the House of Representatives in 2024

Author: MBKM Team Independent Internship DPR RI | Editor: UPIKS FH UNUD Team

Jakarta, - Thursday (06/26/2024) the Closing of the Independent Campus Internship at the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2024 was held. The implementation of the Merdeka Campus lasted for 5 months from February 16, 2024 - June 30, 2024 which was attended by 350 students from 96 Indonesian Universities, 6 of whom were FH Unud students. In the implementation of the Merdeka Campus this time, FH Unud again made achievements, I Gede Taruna Sentosa was chosen as the best participant in the agenda of the simulation of the Working Meeting of the Electronic Information and Transaction Bill on May 15, 2024 which took place at the Secretariat General of the DPR RI, after previously in 2023 a student on behalf of Ni Wayan Dhyanadhara Sandyani scored an achievement as the Best Participant I Internship at the DPR RI People's House. 

The return agenda for the participants of the Internship at the House of the People of the DPR RI in 2024 was held on June 30, 2024. After the activity, the alumni of the Internship at the DPR RI People's House in 2024 are expected to become role models for the sustainability of the Independent Campus Program at the DPR RI People's House at FH Unud.