I Made Deddy Priyanto New Doctor of Law Faculty UNUD

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - Congratulations and success to Dr. I Made Dedy Priyanto, S.H., M.Kn who has successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Reconstruction of Notary Obligation Arrangements in Making Authentic Deeds Based on the Precautionary Principle" at the doctoral promotion session, Thursday (15/02/2024) at the FH UNUD Hall, Denpasar Campus.

The doctoral promotion was led directly by the Dean of FH UNUD who was also the Co-Promoter II (Prof. Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa, SH., MHum), with Prof. Dr. I Made Subawa, SH., M.S as Promoter and Dr. Marwanto, SH., M.Hum as Co-Promoter I and 4 other examining lecturers. The result of Dr. I Made Dedy Priyanto, S.H., M.Kn's dissertation research is that the reconstruction of the regulation of Notary's obligation in making authentic deeds based on the precautionary principle in the future can be done by reconstructing the regulation of the obligation to implement the precautionary principle for Notaries and prospective notaries in Article 16 A of the UUJNP and by revising Article 16 paragraph (1) letter a of the UUJNP.