I Putu Gede Putra Sentana FH Unud Student 1st Winner of Scientific Oration Competition

Author: Putra Sentana | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - UNUD Faculty of Law student I Putu Gede Putra Sentana (Batch 2022) won 1st place in the Scientific Oration Competition with the theme “State of Law Democracy: Current Ideas and Developments”. This competition was held online by the Faculty of Law of the University of Jember in the framework of the 60th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law of Unej. During the preparation of the scientific oration, Putra was accompanied by a Supervising Lecturer (Edward Thomas Lamury Hadjon, S.H, LLM). 

This oration competition began on September 30, 2024 which consisted of preliminary rounds, semifinal rounds, and reached the final round on November 4, 2024. The competition was attended by 33 participants from universities throughout Indonesia. The participants who made it to the semifinals came from IAIN Metro Lampung University, Trisakti University, Trunojoyo University, Bina Nusantara University, Jember University, and Udayana University. IAIN Metro Lampung University, Trunojoyo University, and Udayana University made it to the final. 

I Putu Gede Sentana Putra delivered three scientific orations, each entitled “Initiating the Role of Ethics in Realizing a Substantive Democratic State of Law in Indonesia”, “Power Struggle and Judicial Institutions: Initiating the Purcell Principle as a Restraint on the Implementation of Procedural Democracy in Indonesia”, and ”Challenges of Democratic Elections: A Series of Election Ethics Violations and the Idea of Ethics Court Integration”. In all three orations, Putra always emphasized the importance of academic contributions in maintaining the sustainability of the democratic rule of law as mandated in the Indonesian constitution.