Improving the Quality of Human Resources of FH UNUD with Bunda Arsaningsih

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - On Wednesday (07/01/2024) an activity to improve the quality of Human Resources (HR) of FH UNUD was held, both lecturers and education staff (tendik) by inviting Mother Arsaningsih as the Founder of the Cahaya Cinta Kasih Foundation at the FH UNUD Hall, Denpasar Campus. This activity was opened directly by the Dean of FH UNUD and attended by Vice Dean I FH UNUD, Head of Lab / Section in FH UNUD, Unit Coordinator, Lecturers, Tendik, Dharma Wanita, After Duty Lecturers and FH UNUD students.