Judicium of Faculty of Law UNUD October Period 2023

Author: UPIKS FH UNUD Team | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - FH UNUD has held the Yudisium for the October period of 2023 on Wednesday (11/10/2023) at the FH UNUD Hall, Denpasar Campus. There are 118 prospective graduates who were judged in this October period. 4 people from the Doctor of Law Study Program (PDIH), 7 people from the Master of Law Study Program (MIH), 23 people from the Master of Kenotariatan Study Program (MKN) and the largest number of 84 people from the Bachelor of Law Study Program (SIH).

Dr. Deli Bunga Saravistha, S.H., M.H is the best graduate from PDIH, Ni Ketut Eka Patni, S.H., M.H. is the best graduate from MIH and Ni Made Gina Anggreni, S.H., M.H is the best graduate from MKN Study Program. For SIH Study Program there are 10 best graduates and the one who ranks first is Tembang Merah Sunny Socialista, S.H.