MBKM Team of Intaran Traditional Village Organizes Environmental Care Seminar

Author: I Gusti Ngurah Devantara Rajendra | Editor: UPIKS FH UNUD Team

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - The MBKM Team of Bina Desa Adat Intaran has successfully held an environmental care seminar themed "Sanur Tourism Terrace Beach Frontage" on Friday (14/06/2024), at the Sanur Development Foundation. The event was attended by 80 participants from various backgrounds ranging from stakeholders in Desa Adat Intaran, Sanur Village, Sanur Kauh Village, students, community groups, as well as several business actors in the Sanur area who showed high interest and enthusiasm for the environmental topics discussed.

The event began with remarks from the Chairperson of the Bina Desa Adat Intaran Group (Dewa Ayu Made Aishwarya Sinta Prameswari Winaya), Bendesa Adat Intaran (I Gusti Agung Alit Kencana, S.E.), and the Assistant Lecturer (Dr. Made Gde Subha Karma Resen, SH., M.Kn) who expressed his appreciation to all participants who attended. The seminar continued with a talk show session filled by speakers who are competent in their fields, namely: Dr. Made Gde Subha Karma Resen, SH, M.Kn, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki, ST. MT. MEng. IPM. ASEAN Eng., and Komang Sudiarta. 

In the material delivery session, several conclusions can be drawn that the rule of law is dynamic and is a political product (goal). Coastal boundaries contain several aspects, namely cultural aspects that maintain patterns in society, social aspects that have an impact on all of us, political aspects to achieve a goal, and economic aspects that are adaptive and sustainable for all of us. As in Sanur, the coastal boundary is a very important aspect of coastal life and also has existing rules in it, so we as a community must protect the beaches that we have together.