New Doctor of Law: Kadek Dedy Suryana

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - Congratulations and success to Kadek Dedy Suryana who has successfully defended his dissertation entitled "National Social Security Arrangements in Ensuring Equitable Old Age" at the doctoral promotion, Friday (19/01/2024) at the FH UNUD Hall, Denpasar Campus.

The doctoral promotion was led directly by Koprodi S3 (Doctoral) Law Science FH UNUD (Prof. Dr. I Putu Sudarma Sumadi, S.H., S.U) with the Promoter Team: Prof. R.A. Retno Murni, S.H., M.H., Ph.D, Dr. I Ketut Sudantra, S.H., M.H and Prof. Dr. Desak Putu Dewi Kasih, S.H., M.Hum and 4 other examining lecturers.