Doctor of Law Study Program Holds Workshop on Writing and Publishing Accredited National and Reputable International Journals

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - On Thursday (11/05/2023) a Workshop on Writing and Publishing Accredited National and Reputable International Journals was held by the Doctoral Study Program (S3) of Law Science FH UNUD. The activity was opened by the Vice Dean I for Academic and Planning Affairs (Prof. Dr. Desak Putu Dewi Kasih, SH., M.Hum.) then continued with remarks from the Chairperson of the Journal Manager at FH UNUD (I Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja, S.H., M.Hum., LLM., Ph.D.).

The workshop was held by presenting speakers namely, Editor in Chief Hasanuddin Law Review which has been indexed by SCOPUS Q2 (Prof. Dr. Irwansyah, S.H., M.H.) and moderated by Dr. Made Suksma Prijandhini Devi Salain, SH, MH, LLM. Also present in the activity was the chairman of the senate of FH Unud (Dr. I Dewa Gede Palguna, S.H., M.Hum.), Professor in the field of Intellectual Property (Prof. Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, S.H., M.Hum., LLM.), Lecturers of FH UNUD, Students of Master Study Program (S2) Law Science and Kenotariatan, Students of Doctoral Study Program (S3) Law Science FH UNUD, along with Journal Managers within FH UNUD, with a total of 60 participants. 

The purpose of this activity, as a form of socialization related to the writing of reputable national and international journals, which is currently an obligation for students and lecturers to publish scientific work. The activity took place very interactively, it is hoped that in the future there will be more cooperation between managers of national or international journals and activities like this can be routinely organized.