LSCC PPK Ormawa Implementation Team held the Grand Opening of the Literacy Interest Movement Program (GEMARI)

Author: LSCC Ormawa PPK Implementation Team | Editor: UPIKS FH UNUD Team

Gianyar, - Saturday (29/06/2024), the Implementation Team of the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) Law Student Creativity Community (LSCC) has successfully held the Grand Opening of the Literacy Interest Movement Program (GEMARI) which took place in Wantilan Sanding Village, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency. This activity was attended by the Secretary of the Character Development and Community Service Unit of Unud (Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Apriadi Aviantara, M.T.), Vice Dean I of FH Unud (Dr. I Gusti Agung Mas Rwa Jayantiari, S.H., M.Kn), LSCC Supervisors (Cokorda Dalem Dahana, SH.., M.Kn and Dewa Gede Pradnya Yustiawan, S.H., M.H.) and LSCC PPK Ormawa Team Assistance Lecturer (A.A. Istri Eka Krisna Yanti.S.H., M.H.), Head of Sanding Village (Kompiang Ambarayusa, S.T.) along with other village officials and the entire Sanding Village community. The implementation of this activity began with an opening ceremony, an introduction to the PPK Ormawa Implementation Team and an introduction to the GEMARI Program, which then ended with the Closing MC.

The event was symbolically opened together by the Secretary of the Character Development and Community Service Unit of Udayana University, Vice Dean I of FH Udayana University and the Village of Sanding by beating the drum three times. Then the event continued with the signing and submission of the Minutes as a symbolic submission of the official implementation of the Literacy Interest Movement Program in Sanding Village. This Grand Opening event is the first step of the Literacy Interest Movement Program which will be implemented in Sanding Village for 5 months, starting from June to October by the LSCC Ormawa PPK Team. Literacy Interest Movement is a program that will be packaged through Knowhow Class which is implemented with 7 (seven) literacy corners and presents non-formal curriculum-based learning. In supporting the sustainability of the GEMARI program, the LSCC PPK Ormawa Team will form young initiators as a forum provided and built for young people to become catalysts in building the country through innovation and the spirit of collaboration. With this program, it is hoped that it can improve the progress of Sanding Village, and provide good results for the Sanding Village Community.