National Seminar of Cooperation between FH Unud and POLDA Bali on the Dynamics of RKUHAP

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - FH Unud in collaboration with the Bali Regional Police (POLDA) held a National Seminar “RKUHAP Dynamics: Realizing a Transparent and Accountable Criminal Justice System” on Wednesday (26/02/2025) at the FH Unud Hall, Denpasar Campus. The seminar began with the Report of the Chairman of the Committee (Dr. Sagung Putri M.E Purwani, SH., MH.), remarks from the Director of Criminal Investigation of Bali Police (Kombes Pol Dr. I gede Adhi Mulyawarman, SIK., MH.) and was opened directly by the Dean of FH Unud (Prof. Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa, SH., M.Hum) and attended by Vice Deans II and III; Koprodi MIH and MKN; UP2M and UPIKS Coordinators; lecturers, students and members of the Bali Police.

The 3 speakers who attended gave material, namely: The Chairman of the Bali Provincial DPRD represented by the Expert of the Bali Provincial DPRD Chairman (Dr. Drs. A.A Ketut Sudiana, SH., A.Ma., MH.), Lawyer (Dr. Lukas Banu, SH., MH.), and Professor of Criminal Law FH Unud (Prof. Dr. Gede Made Swardhana, SH., MH.) which was moderated by Dr. Jimmy Z Usfunan, SH., MH.

The seminar which was attended by 150 participants took place interactively because it was an important forum to explore the potential of academics and legal practitioners to understand the dynamics of the RKUHAP and the implementation of justice in the criminal justice system in Indonesia. With the existence of discussion forums like this, it is hoped that criminal procedure law reform can run more optimally in order to realize a legal system that is more transparent, accountable, and in favor of public justice.