National Youth Seminar by BEM FH UNUD

In welcoming the Youth Pledge Day, the Student Executive Board (BEM) FH UNUD 2022 held a Youth National Seminar on Friday, October 28, 2022, at the FH UNUD Hall, Denpasar Campus. The event was opened directly by the Deputy Dean III of FH UNUD, Dr. I Made Bachelor, SH, MH and invited 3 (three) speakers, namely: Governor of Central Java, H. Ganjar Pranowo, SH, MIP who attended online; Managing Partner of Gendo Law Office, I Wayan 'Gendo' Suardana, SH, MH and UNUD Student, I Wayan Nata Manik Kusuma. The seminar was held offline and was attended by 100 FH UNUD students. The theme carried "Caring for the Critical Reason of Young People, Igniting the Spirit of Building the Nation" which literally means or the whole essence is to take better care of the thoughts of the youth, sharpen the thinking of youth in acting and have a function to be implemented in society in order to achieve harmonization in society. . Then unite the minds of youth, embrace each other, unite to build the nation and state. (BEM FH Unud Team)