RRI Denpasar and FH Unud Collaborate to Organize Denpasar Dialogue

Author: UPIKS Team FH Unud | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Denpasar and FH Unud through the Research and Community Service Unit collaborate by organizing a live broadcast of “Dialog Denpasar” RRI Pro 1 every month. The live broadcast of the Denpasar Dialogue has taken place 6 times with various themes that are currently hot topics in the community, namely: Tourism, Economy and Socio-Culture (Criminal Sanctions in its Development); Utilization of Social Forests for Tourism Business; Protection of Communal Intellectual Property; The Role of Customary Villages in the Law Enforcement Process; Elections and Democracy.

This cooperation is a form of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (community service) by sharing knowledge and information in the field of law to the general public through radio media. During the Denpasar Dialogue, the loyal listeners of RRI Pro 1 were very enthusiastic in listening to the delivery of knowledge and information from the lecturers of FH Unud, even several times listeners from outside the Denpasar area conveyed some input, suggestions and questions.