Socialization and Training of Used Cooking Oil Household Waste Processing by MBKM Bina Desa FH UNUD Students in Kediri Village

Author: MBKM Bina Desa FH UNUD Students Kediri Village | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Kediri-Tabanan, - FH UNUD students who participated in the MBKM Bina Desa program in Kediri Village, Tabanan held a Socialization and Training on Processing Household Waste in the form of used cooking oil on Wednesday (26/04/2023) in Kediri Village. This program is a real implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education in the field of community service. 

The socialization presented speakers from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UNUD, Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. and Dr. Dewa Ayu Anom Yuariani, S.TP., M.Agb. and was attended by Prebekel Desa Adat Kediri and his staff, Bendesa Adat Kediri, PKK members in Kediri Village, accompanying lecturers (Bima Kumara Dwi Atmaja, SH, MH.), Chairman of MBKM Bina Desa Kediri and its members.

The activity began with material education and then continued with hands-on training or practice to make solid soap from used cooking oil. This activity was welcomed very enthusiastically by the PKK mothers of Kediri Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency.