Yudisium FH Unud February Period 2025

Author: UPIKS Team FH Unud | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - Congratulations and success to 45 prospective graduates of FH Unud who have participated in the February Period Judicium held at the FH Unud Hall, Denpasar Campus on Wednesday (19/02/2025). There are 1 prospective graduate from the Doctor of Law Study Program on behalf of Dr. Kadek Mery Herawati, SH., MH.; 3 prospective graduates from the Master of Law Study Program with the best graduate achieved by Destri Ayu Larasati Mahayana, SH., MH.; 3 prospective graduates from the Master of Kenotariatan Study Program and the best graduate obtained by Ida Bagus Kade Fajar Bukit Purnama, SH., MH., and 38 prospective graduates from the Bachelor of Law Study Program with 2 best graduates, namely: Ni Putu Esya Ary Mastari, SH and Ni Putu Ayu Meylan Ardini, SH.

The Yudisium of this period was opened directly by the Dean of FH unud, attended by the Vice Deans, Koprodi, Unit Coordinator, Head of Lab / Section, Sub Coordinator and representatives of parents of prospective graduates. Dr. Kadek Mery Herawati, SH., MH appeared to give impressions and messages as a representative of prospective graduates while from the representatives of the parents of prospective graduates, the Head of South Kuta Sub-District (Dr. I Ketut Gede Arta, AP., SH., M.Si) was present to give impressions and messages.